Tips to get ready for the beach and bikini 2018!

It wont be long and the summer will be here. Now is the time to start planning your fitness makeover!

It is simpler than we think. The key is your determination and the routine. Here are some tips:

  1. Hydrate yourself continuously through the day
  2. Relax, meditate, do yoga ; If you are relaxed you are less likely to binge and go off your routine
  3. We are what we consume, so examine your intake routine to make small adjustments
    1. Reduce the intake of fats, sugar and wheat to a minimum level, replace with fresh fruits and vegetables
    2. Eat smaller meals 4-6 times a day within a 12 hour window. Do not skip breakfast
  4. Be sure to do a lot of walking, mixed with some weights and toning.